Monday, August 13, 2012

A Plan without Goals is only a Dream!

The key to success is knowledge, listening and learning from your elders in life!

Life doesn't come with a tutorial, but it does come with people! Your elders people are some of the best people to talk too. They've lived a much longer life than you. They've done their share of mistakes and regrets. I've always tried my best in life. Personally I am an observer. I learn from other people's mistakes and do my best not to repeat or do what them...

Don't get me wrong, no one is perfect! But obviously knowledge is power, so why not learn from your elders? Too many people these days are rebellious, ignorant, immature, stubborn, and quick to judge. I only wish they would open their eyes and see that they can easily improve their lives.

Lately I've been living life to the fullest. Granted it's been rough from time to time.... But I know God is always watching out for me and he's always got my back! I once again in the pursuit of not only happiness but self employed business. My talents, my heart and my life long dreams are all entrepreneur related. Which is interesting because of my family's past.... The McKim family line came to America as indentured servants until we were able to work off our debts... So we were basically slaves... Labor and hard work is in our blood! But I'm NO slave.... I'm the SLAVE DRIVER! hahahaha Bitch I'm the Boss! :D

I have several legitimate plans in the works that I am confident and certain they will pan out successful. I will keep you updated on these plans of mine soon. But let's just say, David Scott McKim is going Global! :D bitches I'm moving to the Philippines!


"We must stand together, or we will surely hang alone!"
- Benjamin Franklin

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