Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fire Bitch and Elemental Pudding

Starbuck Plays As Bitch Pudding on Robot Chicken!

Well it would seem that last night was yet another restless night. Although I did have some good sleep prior. Not to mention some freakin sweet ass dreams! I had two dreams in a row dealing with me being able to control and create physical manifestations of the elements. Particularly in the first dream my prime ability that I had the best control over and was focusing to learn first was over fire!

With a flick of my fingers I could light my thumbs on fire as if they were cigarette lighters. Oddly enough there were others who had abilities like mine and other elements were their primes. There were a few different abilities and oddly enough this is a bit hard to explain but they were both Pokemon cards and Nintendo Video Games. I know this sounds crazy but the Pokemon cards ie energy cards seemed to have something to do with our powers or what element we could control. While the video games we played depicted the different abilities that we could perform. Like that of the old Nintendo Konami Code: Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right, B, A, SELECT, Start. Instead of mashing buttons I had to literally dance or move my body in certain orders to perform certain abilities. I could only hold the fire on my thumbs for a certain amount of time though. It was a lot longer than someone just burning their thumbs though. But after a minute or so it began to hurt and burn myself not to mention make me feel drained of energy and tired if I did it too much. However I did notice in my dream that with practice, I could improve this fire stamina of mine.

I recall being in some sort of middle or high school and it was all out of wack kind of like a nightmare. People of each element grouped up. It felt like I was on my own and the Earth and Water elements were looking to put my flame out! I was running through a water filled area of the school trying to stay alive, flaming up cameras, and kicking some ass! I don't remember all of the details but later on at a party I even experienced Dream Memories. There was a photograph of "The Ghetto Man's Pyramid" and it was a memory to me because I had already witnessed it in an email or online. Yet even though this memory only existed to me in my dream I felt it was my own. At this party I even got to witness the Ghetto Pyramid and it was something semi large but literally in the back yard of some Mexican's house!

At this party I began to learn the more difficult ability such as boosting my stats / flames / run speed and I even began to learn how to shoot flames straight up into the air above me!

The second dream that had relevance to the first wasn't as cool. The difference was instead of having cards or games, the abilities came to me through pill form as a vitamin or common drug. It was quite odd, but still a good dream because I got to see some of my family members, including my deceased Grandfather Lee Roy Michaels. Hell I even remember the pills added effect in my dream. It gave me a high like that of marijuana but most people just thought I was drunk because it was also a little bit like being drunk! Like I said these dreams were pretty weird, but I can't complain because I hadn't dreamt in quite awhile and controlling the elements like I did was FUCKING AMAZING and fun as hell!

Oh yes and I did finish watching the Battlestar Galactica Series. It surprised me in those last few episodes. They were a lot better than I had expected and a lot of my questions got answered. Although when I was watching the ending of the last episode, it felt like it would never fucking end; I enjoyed how they added the twist to modern day events. Although I still have a few unanswered questions... Kara Thrace must be either some sort of spirit, angel, or the devil... They go on and on talking about how Starbuck is The Harbinger of Death and she turns out to be the one saving the entire human race. She vanishes into thin air at the end leaving only mystery. WTF is she? Will she return? And what the fuck is Gaius and Number Six's thoughts of each other that they could each see? Fucking angels? WTF!?!?!

Anyways, I am going to watch the movie Battlestar Galactica: Razor and then watch Caprica. I hope Caprica is even better than Battlestar Galactica!

Later guys,


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